List of Crazy and Unique Methods That You Can Use to Cheat in Exams

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Many students use all kinds of tricks to cheat in exams. Of course, some people think that it's a wrong deal for student's education. Still, it helps them achieve excellent academic results simply with no stress. There are different techniques and methods that are common today. Those school and college students understand how crucial their test results can be. To succeed, they try a number of tricky and creative methods to cheat.

To cheat successfully, you need excellent preparation. And it can be really challenging. Beginners use all possible ways to skip their learning process and get top results easily. Clever learners generate unparalleled ideas and amazing techniques. Read more about them to cheat in exams secretly and know how to do homework easily.

Table of contents

Basic Aspects of Successful Ways to Cheat

Every successful way to cheat on a test has these important features that you need to check:

  • Easiness
  • Clearness
  • Efficiency
  • Convenience

It is advised not to make it too complicated in your solution unless it is necessary. If you want to cheat effectively, analyze the situation. Investigate the teacher's tactics, pick a moment to pull the cheat sheets out, do not make any sudden moves. Always keep it cool — quite often, those are the emotions that betray a student.

You can also come up with something original! Not all modern techniques to manipulate results are already invented, after all. If you feel that none of this works for your final tests, consider your own ideas. There are many innovative ideas that can serve as an inspiration for you. Get creative, and maybe you will invent a new universal tactic. Who knows? Are you feeling stuck in inventing new ideas? Try our professional writing service experienced in delivering different assignments even answers to tests. Just say 'do my homework' and get expert assistance.

The Best Creative Cheat Exams Methods

Modern students know countless tricks that allow them to cheat on a test. Even despite the teacher's and professor's very careful attention. They use impressive, creative strategies and methods, including:

  • A water bottle trick
  • Stick answers on clothes and hands
  • Try a method of impressions
  • Write answers on the desk
  • Put test solutions on your thighs and knees

What Is a Water Bottle Water Trick All About?

It's one of the most well-known ways of cheating. This tactic is especially useful when you are struggling with too much homework and have no time for decent preparation. It's easy to use because all you need to do is write test answers on the backside of your bottle's label. Be sure to prepare all necessary materials. Take notes of important comments, solutions, and answers to your paper. Just be careful when looking at the bottle and copying them.
Stick Answers on Clothes And Hands
Print useful information, answers to hard questions, etc. Invent a proper hideout to bring them to exams. Use clear tape to stick sheets with answers on your clothes or hands. Don't forget to destroy evidence after writing all theory answers. It's quite simple to cover these helpful notes with sleeves. It will prevent other people from noticing your inventive technique.

Try a Method of Impressions

They offer an efficient and highly promising trick. First, you must be sure that teachers will give students a piece of white paper. Write down answers and solutions and put your notes underneath to get a clear view. It's a great way to hide exam hints. Instructors won't discover that you look at answers when you use your impressions.

How To Write Answers on the Desk

If you know where you'll pass your future exams, visit this place in advance. Give yourself enough time for preparation. Writing correct answers on the desk is an effective solution to cheat. A well-hidden desk inscription will let you remember answers to the toughest questions.

Write Test Solutions on Your Knees or Thighs

Writing test solutions and tips on your knees or thighs is a smart way to cheat. Especially if you like wearing skirts. It's a winning strategy for all girls. Don’t distract classmates when looking at prepared notes. You may also attract your teacher's attention and fail to pass exams.

Top Inventive Cheat Exams Tricks

When looking for efficient ways to cheat on your test, you can find many unusual options. They will work for you if you follow all instructions carefully. Exams are an important part of studies. If you feel nervous, focus on modern double-cheating methods. They give you a great chance to read answers secretly and keep small notes. Act naturally and hide them carefully. Use these inventive tricks to cheat:

  • The Kleenex notebook
  • Use a hidden side of your hat
  • Leave small notes on your fingernails
  • The slick trick with sunglasses

Let’s have a closer look at each of those methods below.

The Famous Kleenex Textbook

Kleenex textbook method provides all modern students with a great chance to pass their exams successfully and get better grades. How to use this technique to cheat? It allows you to hide test solutions written at special Kleenex napkins. You may easily take out a prepared napkin out of your backpack or purse when sneezing or coughing. Just don't reach for them constantly.

Use a Hidden Side of Your Hat

Headware a great place to hide answers and test clues. People won't notice the hidden side if you wear a baseball cap or other suitable hat. Make sure that you cover every disposable inch of hat space with written tips. Don't use this technique to cheat on your test if you don't wear hats every day. It will seem quite suspicious to instructors.
Leave Small Notes on Your Fingernails
Fingernail clues is another effective way to cheat that many students use. And in many cases, it helps to get high test scores even for hardest college majors. Feel free to use a pencil or a pen to write on your nails. It can be a bit challenging, of course. Writing answers on your nails and reading tiny notes is a thought-provoking strategy. Don't forget to hide your fingers from teachers!

The Slick Trick With Sunglasses

Use eyewear as a special mirror to catch reflections of your classmates' work. It's a time-consuming process that requires specific skills. However, some card players manage to cheat and stay unnoticed using glasses. This method is fairly complex but also reliable when you master it.

How to Use Cheat Exams Methods And Tricks

Hard to say what is the best example of successful strategies from the once listed above. However, all students need to keep in mind the things to avoid as well. Even the best methods can fail you at your exams or tests if you are busted! That's why you need to remember some other important precautions to guarantee a high score. Are there any helpful solutions? Follow these incredible guidelines to cheat:

  • Don't bring out secret notes right after the beginning of your exams
  • Stay calm even if you almost feel like being busted
  • Add some additional effort preparing cheat sheets in advance
  • If you are wearing practical clothes to cheat, don't look suspicious
  • Consider plan “B” — having two options is always better

Finally, choose efficient and advanced techniques with positive track records. Never use impractical or uncertain techniques!

Final Thoughts

Passing academic theory tests is a real challenge that all students face. Want to skip your study process? Apply your excellent creative skills to solve paper questions with ease. Even without proper knowledge or preparation for tests you can make it.
Some students find it easier to learn the necessary materials and theory to pass their final tests. Others keep creating endless fraudulent practices, though they're very creative and innovative.

It's up to you to make this choice. This list of crazy and unusual tricks can help you earn good grades. Suppose you follow all instructions precisely, of course. If you still need help, turn to our skillful experts. Order our top-quality services online at competitive rates. Our team of talented and qualified experts guarantees results! We use effective tactics and deliver the best results to all customers.

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1. How to cheat on an exam and not get caught?

If you want to сheat on an exam and not get caught, be patient and calm. Don't give the teacher any reason to notice anything suspicious. Also, avoid wearing uncharacteristic clothes.

2. How to cheat on an exam with a phone?

Cheating with a phone on an exam is not a great idea because it is too bulky. However, you can try your luck with a smartwatch instead. Still, not perfect, but looks much more secretive.

3. How to cheat on an exam that is recorded on camera?

Successful cheating on exam recorded on camera requires extra attention to cheat sheet size. Actually, a working camera is not a big problem if you will choose any of the methods mentioned in the article.

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Article posted on:Aug 23, 2024
Article updated on:Mar 25, 2025


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